From the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, a strategic point of logistic distribution in Europe, we specialize in the transport of goods by road, their care and handling at any temperature, and always with the utmost guarantees and an unparalleled service.
Our team of professionals, the technology of our vehicles and facilities, as well as the extensive knowledge of the sector, allow us to offer what the client needs at all times.
Because their success is our success...
- Specific vehicles for each type of service.
- Mobile park with low environmental impact.
- Maximum load capacity with the lowest consumption.
- Adapted to the specific needs of each department.
- Subject to continuous improvement.
- Designed and implemented to train our professionals continuously.
- People who look after the interests of our clients.
- Professional experts that make the success of our services possible.
- Departaments implicats i compromesos.
- A team that provides solutions and alternatives.
The competitive and changing environment that currently prevails in our sector is the best way of knowing that we must improve every day and adapt to the needs of the market and our customers. As a result, we adapt our infrastructures to the present, we apply rigor and agility in our way of working and we do it together with our clients to offer them the best solutions.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to changes.
We offer an excellent service because we feel like we’re on our client's team, because we participate in their day-to-day and care about their success. We want them to feel close to us, to talk to us about their logistical doubts and find solutions together. This is our strategy, the helm of our company and our reason for being. Because with proximity we achieve our objectives.
We are constantly innovating in all areas: transport, technology, storage, management, human resources... and we stay up to date so as to meet the future head on, whilst always maintaining our commitment to the environment. Innovation is an opportunity to invent tomorrow.

We deliver what we offer in the best and safest way possible.
- We guarantee the traceability of the cold chain.
- We record information on the status and situation of our fleet at all times.
- We prepare periodic reports on the merchandise entrusted to us.
- We prepare periodic reports on the merchandise entrusted to us.
- We offer coverage in Europe 365 days a year.
- We provide European traffic services regardless of the country of origin or destination.
Quality is not a destination... it is a path that must be travelled. And, at Ondara Logística, quality is a priority:
· We are constantly modernizing our fleet
· We have the ISO 22000 and IFS Logistics Certifications in Transportation, Storage and Preservation of Food at any temperature
· We have warehouses strategically located to guarantee the conservation and quality of the merchandise
· We evaluate and select our suppliers to provide an optimal service
· ...and we continue working towards excellence
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A world with values is a world with a future.
We commit ourselves to those around us to be constant in satisfying their expectations and guarantee that their necessities be covered.
We understand confidence as the base of any professional relationship. That is why we act with constancy and rigour, looking for the best options and nurturing their image and commitment with others.
Trust is not found... it is gained.
We constantly make an effort to meet our duties, applying constant improvement, and dedicating our resources to the solution of the necessities of the market.
Because success is the sum of small day-to-day efforts.
With our way of doing and acting, we contribute a model of sustainable development seeking the balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of our surroundings; we make decisions that contribute value and we work faithful to our values.
Responsibility is the wisdom that provides the experience to be able to fulfil obligations.


Applying our strategy, by means of our values, we will manage to:
· Consolidate our warehouses as strategic logistics tools of success. Have vision and fight to make it real will lead us to excellence...
Guided by our VALUES, we contribute quality logistics solutions to help our clients achieve their objectives.
To be committed to a mission is to offer guarantees for the future.
We make up part of the team of our clients; we establish a solid and durable relationship with them based on close service and confidence.
We understand logistics as a strategic part of the commercialization of the goods of our clients, and we therefore give our full attention to getting the best solutions for them.