GRUP ONDARA LOGISTICA's business activity involves the storage of food at any storage temperature and the transport of goods by road, especially perishable and non-perishable food. Its mission is to do so by combining tradition and innovation in order to prioritise Quality, Safety and Legality of service.
We make the latest market developments available to our customers so as to improve their experience with the logistics service. The key lies in a seamless synchronization between all departments thus enabling all customer needs to be met quickly and efficiently, ensuring that products maintain their quality during storage and transport procedures.
The objective of Grup Ondara Logística is rooted in a strategic decision to extend their full commitment to the client in order to accompany them in the construction of a positive image on which their success and position in the market depend.
- Continuous adaptation to changes in our environment, with agility and speed in the detection of opportunities for improvement and innovation, as well as in their implementation.
- To establish quantifiable objectives aligned with a Quality Guarantee
Offering the highest quality means providing the greatest efficiency in service delivery and this can only be achieved by complying with the requirements established in Integrated Quality Management System, Food Safety, Environment, Social Responsibility and applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the client. Signed and approved by Management.
Therefore the following is guaranteed:
- Food transport is carried out under the strictest hygiene and temperature controls.
- Maintaining comprehensive tracking to ensure compliance with our customers' requirements to provide full transparency throughout the supply chain
We currently have authorization for handling food for export to the following countries: Japan, Israel, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, South Africa, New Zealand and Uruguay. We have gained international recognition for the quality of our logistics services as a result of our efforts and dedication to solving our customers’ needs.
The ISO 14001:2015 certification allows us to guarantee that the objectives of our work on a daily basis focus on the following principles:
- To oversee the company's environmental and hygiene guidelines and ensure that they are properly developed and complied with.
- To encourage the spirit of continuous improvement as the foundation of our work on a daily basis, seeking the most effective and efficient solutions to control our environmental impact.
- To establish quantifiable objectives aligned with a guarantee of respect for the environment in all the services we offer.
- To encourage the active communication of all parties involved to ensure respect for the environment.
- To voluntarily comply with the necessary requirements for the protection and preservation of the environment is a determining factor in the development of our business: sustainable use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
- The Environmental Management System is open to the active participation of all personnel and prepared to include suggestions for improvements proposed by workers and customers, with the aim of encouraging continuous improvement.
- Within our principles of action, the criteria of pollution prevention prevail over those of correction.
- The minimization of the effects on the environment, produced as a consequence of our business activity in our offices and the services offered.
- To perform an annual periodic evaluation of our environmental impact through the maintenance and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System as well as a periodic review of the objectives and targets established, within the framework of the good environmental practices known and adopted by the Grup's employees.
Innovation is a key pillar in the maintenance and improvement of environmental policies and, as a result of the positive results of the tests carried out on our most common international routes with LNG (liquefied natural gas) vehicles, in upcoming tractor extension and replacement operations, we will opt for cleaner and more sustainable energy, with lower CO2 emissions and fuel consumption. Natural gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel on the market for combustion engines as it brings relevant benefits to the environment:
- Improved air quality due to almost total elimination of air pollutants
- Mitigation of global warming thanks to the considerable reduction of CO2 emissions
- Reduction of noise pollution in urban centres and night deliveries

- Encouraging the development potential of all persons involved in the execution of services, their capacity for learning, growth and values.
- Fostering ethical and honest behaviour within our company
- The inclusion of people with disabilities or special needs in the labour market.
A number of the services available to the company are provided by the entities and companies listed above: office cleaning, vehicle cleaning, gardening, space rental for meetings...
The Associació Alba supplies the Grup's Christmas gift baskets, among other services, the Fundació Ramon Noguera washes our trucks, trailers and refrigerated chambers, guaranteeing compliance with the hygiene controls of our vehicles. Other collaborations should also be highlighted; on occasion we offer free services so as to enable other companies to improve their business efficiency, for instance we provide the Espiga Solidària Food Bank with free food storage.
In order to carry out these Quality, Food Safety, Environmental and Social Commitment Policies, the company relies on its organisation to which it transmits these values and general lines of action, seeking to ensure that responsibility is taken for each task assigned to each collaborator, and that they identify with the company's image, these being adopted and put into practice at all levels of the organisation, with a continuous commitment to the improvement of the services offered.
This philosophy allows GRUP ONDARA LOGÍSTICA to grow and gain client recognition, through its commitment to its ethical, environmental and labour responsibilities.
Consult quality policy